CTD Hull macmillan cycle ride.

Date: June 19th, 2015 CTD Tiles | Tags: ctd tiles hull, macmillan bike ride

An Epic Journey

Stuart joined CTD Hull back in 2013 as a part time member of staff and became a full time member of staff in January 2014. Now in 2015 Stuart and his friend embarked upon a 58 mile bike ride inmemory of Stuarts dad Steve and to raise money for our charily partnersMacmillan.

hull macmillan bikeride

Stuart and his friend set off from Hull down the old disused cycle track past the small seaside town of Hornsea. Stuart and his friend then headed onto Bridlington before turning around and cycling back to finish their journey back where they started but not until they has polished of a full English breakfast!

macmillan cancer  support ctd bike ride

Hull Branch Manager -  Adrian Hoggard
‘I was a bit concerned as Stu’s mate turned up in his work wear, had a packet of chocolate fingers and packs of cheese puff crisps for supplies, and before setting back to Hull, had a full English breakfast, but I guess that’s classed as carbs’.

Final Figures

We are pleased to announce that Stuart and his friend have raised a fantastic £210.00 for Macmillan Charity Support so far and will have a number of donations still to come.
Well Done Guys from everyone at CTD!

Macmillan Cancer Support

Our charity partners Macmillan Support provide medial, financial and practical support for everyone from all walks of life who has been affected by cancer including carer’s family and communities.

If you would like to help support Macmillan Cancer Support and get involved with our next fund raising events simply pop in branch and a member of staff will be happy to speak with you.

Alternatively you can find any up and coming events on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

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